Thursday, April 26, 2018

Final Project: Different


I love everything about Japan. Everything from mannerism, food, culture, language, traditional clothing, irezumi (tattoo in Japanese), and so much more. Since I am Japanese, I dedicate myself to put something on the canvas. I scroll through Pinterest and figure out what it means to me. I have chosen geisha, wave, and Japanese children story called Kintaro. However, I started to put Japanese newspaper with the glue on the canvas and ripped the newspaper and put several holes on purpose. Next, I cover pencil marks on the back of the printed paper of geisha, wave, and Kintaro so I can trace to leave the mark on the canvas. Behind geisha's head is the Japanese rising sun and on the right-hand side is a cloud and Mt. Fuji. I watermark on the canvas without painting on the newspaper so I can trace the pencil mark on the newspaper. I like it because I see both traditional Japanese artwork and street artwork.


Japanese Wave Pattern


When you see the artwork, it is different because many people have seen Mona Lisa's painting or other well-known artwork around the world. My ideas for this artwork is to see something different or unusual art on day to day basis. It took me a while, however, I had fun doing this mixed media.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

4 Series of Changes



 Insta Pill

Alcohol Rainbow

My 4 series of changes are social media, but instead of having just social media I have also put drugs addictions that are similar to social media addictions. Also, social media came out a different year; Facebook (2004), YouTube (2005), Instagram (2010), and Instagram (2011).

Facebook was popular social media and growing up I always wanted Facebook so I can connect with my friends or be part of it. After I activate my account, I was hooked on Facebook, I would spend every day and night and whenever I put my phone down, immediately I pick up my phone looking through for more. I was looking through Pinterest what ideas I can come up with and Facebook is like smoking cigarette. After people smoke once they go for another round until it is all gone.

YouTube is a very popular social media for streaming videos. There are all kinds of video contents, such as DIY, art, vlogging, politics, and etc. People are hooked on YouTube like they are hallucinating in this dreamy world that they are no longer in their own reality. Also, I have heard stories about how bad is to be in hallucinate.

Instagram is well known for pictures and short videos. You can follow many people, likes, comments, and share with other people. This is similar to pills because people take multiple pills just make themselves satisfy; sleeping, anxiety, and etc.

Snapchat famous facial recognition is rainbow throw up. When I first saw this, I immediately thought of someone is throwing up and how ridiculous idea that the company has thought of. So, this related to alcohol addiction, people drink too much different alcohol causing them to "vomit" from there body. My ideas are to paint someone is actually throwing up and make it splatter for the color red.

These are the 4 series of changes for social media and who knows what is the next trending social media that will be out there in the future.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Realistic Value

Just Vase

I drew this vase like on the canvas and the two colors paint was black and white, however, I mixed different values so that the vase can be realistic. In the realistic drawing, there aren't any lines in the artwork. For example in the world of cartoon, there is a line for every character, house, and other various things. By far this was very challenging because I never did realistic painting before. I have repeatedly looked at the different example of realistic pictures on Pinterest. Looking at my artwork, there is not the tone of this vase.

3 - 5 Value

Moon and The Dead Tree

I found this on a Pinterest however, the picture that I found was more realistic at night and the trees were not like that. The center of the painting is a moon at night and below that are dead trees. This reminds me of horrors like a movie where the camera is at wide angle, capturing a scene for vampire or zombie. One thing that I should have done is add one more value to the 2nd layer so that it can give other people idea that is a moon not 2 circles above the trees.

Flat Value

Famous Casey Neistat

This is a famous Youtuber, Casey Neistat, He has well over 9 million followers and founder of an app company called "Beme". First, open up the Adobe Photoshop and upload the picture. Next, clicked image --> adjustment --> threshold and adjust how much black and white space you want until you are satisfied and then printed out the picture. I put the paper underneath the canvas and taped it so it won't move around. Next, I put a lamp underneath so that I can see through and trace the image. 

The painting was very easy however, I had to use different brushes to get in between little detail. One thing I like the uneven amount of color black. I thought about coloring everything nice and even, but I actually like it. The only thing that I would have done is adding more detail such as, forehead and around his neck.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Achromatic Color Scheme

Lines and Splash of Paint

This is achromatic and the three colors that I have chosen are black, white and grey. Before I started painting this artwork, I did not know what to paint and there was nothing that I could think of. So, I drew multiple grey lines on the canvas and splash of white and black paint. It is very simple painting and I could have chosen more night paint or Picasso-like. I would definitely start this artwork and really think of something else.

Analogous Color Scheme

Wildfire in The Wilderness 

This is analogous and the three colors that I have chosen are red, yellow and orange. Since there is wildfire that had happened in the west region in America, my idea was to paint burning trees and lands to mimic that idea. I thought about adding more paint to the background, but I thought it was okay to leave it as it is. The color should have been red, yellow and then orange because it will make the yellow pop more than this painting. The stroke of the brush was not too good especially the two trees on the left. Overall, I am happy how I painted the artwork.

Complimentary Color Scheme

The Ocean at Night

This painting is complimentary. I was going for a watercolor to paint the blue for the oceans. However, the canvas that I used was not for the watercolor purpose, because the canvas is weaved together and when I look closely the colors are spread out compared to other watercolors. So next time I use watercolor, I will use watercolor paper. On the color, instead of using black I should have to use the color orange because it is opposite each other on the color wheel. Such as sun or cloudy orange.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Triadic Scheme Painting

Heels and Legs 

This is my final artwork for triadic scheme painting which is yellow, blue, and red. To prevent from mixing yellow and two other colors, I used a gel-like which is a non-stickable gel and it works really good. I really like this because it looks like one of those Hollywood movie posters. I should paint the color red along the calves and hamstrings so it can define more.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Triadic Scheme Painting

Heels and Legs  (Progress)

The painting is coming along good. However, I realize that I should have painted the background first instead of painting the legs. So that I can paint over the rest of the colors.