Saturday, March 3, 2018

Realistic Value

Just Vase

I drew this vase like on the canvas and the two colors paint was black and white, however, I mixed different values so that the vase can be realistic. In the realistic drawing, there aren't any lines in the artwork. For example in the world of cartoon, there is a line for every character, house, and other various things. By far this was very challenging because I never did realistic painting before. I have repeatedly looked at the different example of realistic pictures on Pinterest. Looking at my artwork, there is not the tone of this vase.

3 - 5 Value

Moon and The Dead Tree

I found this on a Pinterest however, the picture that I found was more realistic at night and the trees were not like that. The center of the painting is a moon at night and below that are dead trees. This reminds me of horrors like a movie where the camera is at wide angle, capturing a scene for vampire or zombie. One thing that I should have done is add one more value to the 2nd layer so that it can give other people idea that is a moon not 2 circles above the trees.

Flat Value

Famous Casey Neistat

This is a famous Youtuber, Casey Neistat, He has well over 9 million followers and founder of an app company called "Beme". First, open up the Adobe Photoshop and upload the picture. Next, clicked image --> adjustment --> threshold and adjust how much black and white space you want until you are satisfied and then printed out the picture. I put the paper underneath the canvas and taped it so it won't move around. Next, I put a lamp underneath so that I can see through and trace the image. 

The painting was very easy however, I had to use different brushes to get in between little detail. One thing I like the uneven amount of color black. I thought about coloring everything nice and even, but I actually like it. The only thing that I would have done is adding more detail such as, forehead and around his neck.